
Currently, we are working with one pastor, Pastor Govada, in order to minister throughout India with those who receive our Doctrinal Statement and agree with us. In addition to this fresh new start with new converts, we also seek establish a direct line of communication with lead pastors who in the future shall agree with our Doctrinal Statement and desire to join together with the LORD's CHURCH ON THE ROCK ASSEMBLY.
Pastor Govada has translated our Doctrinal Statement from English to Telegu and has a vision to reach all of India with the simple gospel of our inspired Doctrinal Statement through which we teach the unadulterated Truth of the WORD OF GOD...AS WRITTEN!
...all for the Glory of God
We have been ministering in 5 states in India as an association of common believers. However, we are reestablishing the ministry, in India, after the model we have implemented in Africa.